meet drew

Starting this brand was a personal leap for me, inspired by a period when I lived out of a backpack for six months. That time taught me the value of simplicity and the importance of quality over quantity. I realised that a few well-chosen items could bring more joy than a closet full of things I hardly used.

With a passion for minimalism and a job that kept me busy in Bristol, UK, I wanted to create a clothing line that mirrored these realisations. It's about crafting pieces that are not just wearables but reflections of a thoughtful approach to fashion—where sustainability, craftsmanship, and timeless design are at the forefront.

This brand is my way of sharing what I've learned and what I value. It's not about persuading everyone to live with less, but about offering an option for those who want to make mindful choices about their clothing.

I invite you to explore this collection and find something that resonates with you. Let's appreciate the simplicity and quality in what we wear, making decisions that are good for us and the planet.